About Unclebudshemp
Unclebudshemp’s Trusted Hemp-Healthy Products use the healing powers of hemp oil in each of their natural formulas. Uncle Bud’s is the leading natural hemp-based pain relief, skin care, & personal care solution! UNCLE BUD'S, A BREAKTHROUGH DISCOVERY! The FIRST and ONLY over-the-counter CBD Topical Pain Reliever formulated with its natural THEM Government legally approved formula: CANATREX ™. Unclebudshemp's "Trusted Family Formula", a proprietary trademark protected formulation, is made up of hemp based legal CBD, blended with Emu oil, Olive Oil, Coconut oil, and a touch of Methyl Salicylate. It works faster, penetrates deeper, and relieves aches and pains the way nature always intended! All you need is a small dab, rub it in, and Uncle Bud's starts working naturally and effectively.